Lease Finance Industry on Growth Track Again

Equipment & Vehicle Financing 

The White Clarke Global Leasing Report was released recently. The report  tracks the worldwide market for leasing products and world trends in auto and asset finance.

After two abysmal years, the industry began to recover in 2010. Interim figures and commentary looked promising, but conclusive, hard data, from more than the top 50 markets in the world, would become available only twelve months after the close of the year. The report found that in 2011, global new business volumes increased by 21.9% to a record $724bn. Remarkable testimony to the industry’s resilience. It is worth remembering that the year endured a plethora of bad financial news. The Global Leasing Report features data on international leasing volume and growth by region, market penetration, GDP penetration ratios and market shares as well as a unique ranking of the top 50 leasing markets by size. Download the report here: